Tuesday, 1 November 2011

IIT JEE 2012 ONLINE Registration & Application from here

IIT Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) 2012 Online Application was available now and the Registration for IIT Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) 2012 was started from today 31st October 2011.

IIT Joint Entrance Exam (JEE)To be held on April 8, 2012, IIT JEE 2012 will have two modes of registration. The online mode will be active on the IIT JEE website from October 31, 2011 to December 10, 2011 and the offline mode, i.e physical sale of application forms, will be from November 11, 2011 to December 5, 2011.The last date for receipt of completed application forms (offline or printed copy of the Online Form) is December 15, 2011.

Joint Entrance Examination JEE 2012 for admission into IITs, IT-BHU and ISM Dhanbad shall be held on Month of April 2012. Following shall be the examination timinings.

Paper 1: 9:00 to 12:00 hrs. (IST)
Paper 2: 14:00 to 17:00 hrs. (IST)
Aptitude Test: June 2012 Exclusively for Architecture and Design Courses
Click Here for IIT JEE 2012 Online Registration

Click here for Important Instructions for IIT JEE 2012 Filling Online Application Forms

If you are having any questions, then contact us through the comment box.

All the best…..

